In this journey of life, do you define your journey or does the journey define you ?
Your life, your choices, your thoughts are molded by what you see and what you learn.
Parents, Guardians, surrounding etc. play a major role in molding your thoughts as kids and imprinting basic values of life, wellbeing, honesty and other virtues. Sometimes, parents can impose or nudge you towards a path. Good parents, mostly have good intentions and guide kids towards a better path and life. This also puts you towards a better journey.
As adult, you choose how you will be and what you want to be as a person. You are free to choose and define your life, morals and the person you want to be.
If you are fortunate and free, you can choose the path you can go on. You can choose to do the right thing, be honest and just . This will be your path for choosing.
When you walk down a path, there are many unknowns . There can be both good and bad surprises, which will change your way of life.
So YES, if you are fortunate to live in a free world, have had good parents , guardian or mentors who guided you well, you choose your journey and how the journey goes, will mold you to be the person you would be.
But that is not always the case. Sometimes, you are not free to make your own choices.
For example, this is not true for children who are forced to participate in WAR or kidnapped to be slaves or part of organized crimes. There is no choice in that life. Its imposed on you.
The journey imposed on you is harsh and full of misfortunes . If someone is fortunate to find a good mentor or guide, their life can change for better and put them on a better path .
Be aware of your blessings and know, what you are today is because of your parents, guides, mentors, virtues taught to you and your self . Choose your path wisely.
We should not be judgmental about less fortunate beings, who lead a different path. For those, it was not of their own choosing or they were not guided or taught well to choose the correct one. Be empathetic with these souls and help them get back on the right path.
You can volunteer at your school or homeless shelter. If you cant directly help or be involved, you can contribute to those organizations who do. Do what you can do.
Be good, kind and empathetic to all, for you don't know what others have been or going through in life.
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