Thursday, July 2, 2020

Do you think something or someone is GOOD or BAD ? Depends where you start

Do you think something or someone is bad or good, depends on how you start evaluating .

If you start on a positive note, considering that its good, than you will see all good things in that person or concept. Your list of good things will be much longer than the list of bad , which you usually tend to overlook . Its difficult to shake that positive thought.

If you start with the negative thought about something or someone, you start highlighting all the negative aspects and your negative list is bigger and all the positives are overlooked. You started with bad and after quick evaluation, ended up with worst thought for that person or thing or concept.

So where should you start ?

If you have positive thought, start by considering that its a negative thing or person and see if you can find and highlight all the negative aspects . Later you can evaluate for yourself if you still think, the positives are more to overlook all negative .

Similar way, if you have negative outlook for someone or something, start your evaluation with the positive bias and see if you can find all positive aspects and later evaluate if your list of positives is still lower than your previous negative outlook . 

You might change your mind , from what you were thinking previously.

Is there a God or this world is totally Random ?

If you are a person who believes in GOD, that's OK and if you are someone who believes in science and think concept of GOD is some fairy tale, you are right too.

So which one is it ? Should you believe in something ?

I am biased on that science side, but I would advise people to believe in some higher power. Why ?

This world is full of random events, chaos you may call it. These random events are the ones that impact your life, which can be good or bad . You can also call it Luck and some believers call it Will of God.

If you don't believe in something, you have to take full responsibility of your actions and outcomes that come of your actions. It is important to understand that the outcomes of your actions are not just because of your actions, but a combination of multitude of other peoples thinking and actions that influence the final outcome. If you only believe that the success or failure was ALL YOU, then your will get less happy as you think you worked very hard to get it and become more miserable considering that you did something wrong. This can be very stressful at times. So acknowledging that there are thousands of other events, that might eventually drive the outcomes, no matter how highly you thought that outcome will be positive, but turned out to be negative and you failed. Don't blame yourself for all that. Its ALL these chaotic and random events that define our life , be it positive or negative. 

So you need to believe in randomness of life OR Luck, if you would like to call it that. You don't control it and it can just happen . You might get positive results in just one attempt or it can take ten. Sometime, you just happen to be at a place and other random events , make it the right place to be and you hit that positive outcome , OR all those random events can make it a wrong place leading to a negative outcome. You were at same place, just the random events made it the right place or wrong place, totally out of your control. 

If you are non-believer or atheist or man of science, cut yourself some slack and acknowledge that randomness plays a big role and you are not responsible for all negative or positive things happening to you. 

If you are someone who believes in GOD, continue to do that, but do evolve with the knowledge that humanity has gained lot of new knowledge in past thousands of years since the scriptures were written. All the holy scriptures are observations of that time, written with the limited knowledge available. So evolve and rethink and let your GOD be guiding factor in being a good human being.

Everybody has the great - What if question !!!

Many times in our life, we have the What-if question, about decisions we made or something that didn't happen or that old girlfriend that we didn't connect with, etc. etc.

What didn't happen, we can only guess at this time, as to what it would had been, ad it would be only a guess and things could had turned out either good or very bad. Remember that you took that decision, at time in past for a reason or some circumstance .

Look at your life Now. Do you feel your life is good now ? 

If your Answer is YES , be thankful that your life has turned out very good , even tough you had missed on certain things or people in life. It is much better now, for sure . It might had turned out to be not so good, had those past events happened in your life, and your life would had taken altogether different turn and it would be a different life you would be leading now.

So stop worrying about your past decisions and feel blessed for a happy life you have NOW.

If you are worrying about a What-If question in present, than just go and ask for it. Ask for that raise you feel you deserve OR Ask that girl out that you had been waiting for a long time , at worst you will get a NO answer, nothing to loose in that. In future, you can say, hey at least I tried. The What-If feeling is worst, if you don't even try. The outcomes can vary, which is not something you control. 

Outcomes of anything we do or any action we take, is result of so many secondary events that its difficult to guess the exact outcome. We can only guess the probabilities. So if you have guessed probability of a positive event of being high, go for it for sure. Sometimes your positive guess, might not agree with the outcome you get, that does not mean you were wrong, it just means that the secondary influencing factors made the outcome different from what you were expecting.
So take a step back and reevaluate your assumptions and you might learn something new. If your assumptions are still positive, keep working on it and the outcome will turn out to be positive. it might just take few more attempts. People sometimes call this Luck or hand of god etc. So keep that light lighted and don't let it go. Things will eventually happen. In past it was called a prophecy . So its  a prophecy that you will SUCCEED . Don't let those positive thoughts die. Keep working on it. You are bound to get the results.